- Always include a dynamic warmup before any training session.
- Always complete an extensive stretching routine after a training session.
- Check heart rate each morning to ensure you are not over training.
- Deload every 4-6 weeks.
- Get a minimum of 8 hours of sleep.
- Eat LOTS of full, healthy meals regularly. Without this you can NOT put on muscle.
AM: Explosive
A1. Cleans / 2 x 5, 3 x 2
B1. High pulls / 4 x 6
C1. Shrugs / 3 x 8
D1. Calf raises / 3 x 10
PM: Strength (Lower Body)
A1. Squat / 1RM
B1. Deadlift / 4 x 6
C1. Split Squat / 3 x 10-12
AM: Strength (Upper Body)
A1. Bench / 1RM
B1. Bench with bands / 50% / 5 x 3
PM: Size (Chest & Back)
A1. Decline DB bench with pulleys / 4 x 8-10
B1. Lat-pulldown (wide) / 3 x 8-10
B2. Back flies with pulleys / 3 x 12-15
C1. Incline DB bench / 3 x 8-10
C2. Incline DB flies / 3 x 10-12
D1. DB pullovers / 3 x 8-10
D2. Cable crossovers / 3 x 10-15
E1. Pushups / max
AM: Conditioning
Interval training
PM: Skill Work
(Light, sport-specific skill work)
AM: Size (Delts & Arms)
A1. Military press / 4 x 6
A2. Chin-ups / 4 x max
B1. Front raises / 3 x 10
B2. DB shoulder press / 3 x 10
C1. Barbell Curl / 4 x 8
C2. Close-grip bench / 4 x 8
D1. Hammer curls / 3 x 10
D2. French press / 3 x 10
E1. Inc. curls / 1 x 20
PM: Conditioning
6k run / hand weights /
AM: Core & Prehab
A1. Core
Teeter totter / 60 sec
Hanging leg twist / max
Jack knives / max
Russian twist / 20
Side bends / 15
Bicycle / max
Body shots / 60 sec
B1. Neck
Back raises / 50
Side raises / max
Side raises / max
Front raises / max
Clinch sparing / 3 min
C1. Shoulder
External Rotation / 1 x 10
Internal Rotation / 1 x 10
D1. (add more if applicable)
PM: Skill Work
(Light, sport-specific skill work)
AM: High Rep Body Weight Conditioning
20 minutes.
Complete as many rounds of 5 pullups, 10 pushups and 15 squats as possible.
PM: Skill Work
(Light, sport-specific skill work)
Skill Work (optional)
(Light, sport-specific skill work)
"Maybe if it was five hundred times gravity you may have the advantage, but ten... I don't even feel it." - Vegeta